Strategic Focus Areas
- Growing revenue in ATNS’s non-regulated business
- Protecting South Africa’s economic interests and trade within the aviation industry
- Creating employment opportuninties for South Africans
- Improving operational efficiencies and service reliability
- Deploying and using leading technologies
- Exerting more influence and market confidence in our abilities
- Improving air traffic safety in Africa
- Promoting Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment
- Building a culture of health & safety
- Enhancing skills and building competencies
- Creating a transformative organization which will positively impact on improvement of internal and external Communities
ATNS’s approach to managing environmental impacts is guided by the organisation’s Environmental Policy, which is ultimately detailed in the organisation’s Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy. The preservation of natural resources aligns with the Company’s commitment to provide safe, secure, efficient and environmentally friendly air traffic management solutions.
In the ATNS regulated and non-regulated environment, the company is positioned to play a leadership role in promoting accountable and environmentally sustainable business practices beyond the boundaries of the country. In parallel, local, regional and global social and economic developmental objectives must be not be compromised but supported in an integrated manner. Therefore ATNS need to be proactive in preventing negative impacts to the Environment and leaving a positive legacy.
Building a culture that embeds environmental sustainability
- Alignment of organisational policies, strategies, procedures to incorporate or consider environmental sustainability to minimise the impact on the natural environment
- Identification of significant and insignificant activities, product and services to determine the appropriate control to minimise impacts to the environment
- Development of policies and procedures to manage the natural environment
- Provide continuous education, communication and training to the organisation
- Establishment and implementation of Environmental Management Systems to enhance integration
Reduction in Aircraft greenhouse emissions
ATNS recognises that as an ANSP, it has an influence on carbon emissions from aircraft, mainly relating to the efficiency of the ATM network. ATNS further recognises the need to address GHG emissions from aviation activities, and that this requires the active engagement and cooperation of the Company and its various stakeholders.
Climate change may contribute to a number of changes in weather patterns, including an increase in frequency and intensity of severe weather events. ATNS recognises the need to understand the potential risks associated with climate change and, therein, to ensure safe and efficient air transport. The risks of not doing so are very high as it directly impacts on safety.
ATNS pursues enhanced operational efficiency for the organisation and its customers through various initiatives, including the implementation of the International Civil Aviation Organization Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBU) concept. The ASBU concept aims to ensure the following operational imperatives:
- Maintaining and enhancing aviation safety
- Harmonising air traffic management improvement programmes
- Removing barriers to future aviation efficiency and environmental gains at reasonable cost
The following initiatives are the centre of ATNS’s operational efficiency and contribute to environmental objectives:
- Performance-based Navigation (PBN)
- Airspace efficiencies
- Procedure design
- Oceanic random routing areas
- Reduced vertical separation minima (RVSM)
- ATFM tool (balancing demand and capacity)
- The INSPIRE Initiative
The INSPIRE initiative